Corkage Crisis on Maui — Should Maui Restaurants Fight the New Corkage Law?
In March, the Maui County Liquor Commission made two changes to county liquor laws, both of which bring the county up-to-date with the state’s laws and what is permitted in all other counties in Hawaii:
- If you buy a bottle of wine in a restaurant, and don’t finish it, you can take the remainder home with you.
- Restaurants can choose whether or not to allow you to bring your own wine (corkage).
No one is arguing about the first change … but the second one? It’s spawned a protest from several restaurants, and a counter-protest from others.
Corkage rules are an odd beast. Each state has their own set of laws, and often counties, or even municipalities, have their own.
We didn’t even realize the laws had changed until The Maui News reported last week that about 400 petition cards had been submitted to the Maui County Liquor Commission (MCLC) asking them to reverse their decision and disallow corkage.
What, exactly, is the issue? Restaurants who want the rule repealed point to lower overall sales (which hurt server tips) and liability issues (what if that screw-cap bottle of wine really contains liquor?). The Maui News, reporting on the MCLC hearing last week, ran the following quote from Bev Gannon’s (Gannon’s, Hali’imaile General Store, and Joe’s Bar & Grill) testimony:
“Since this law passed, because I’ve chosen not to allow outside wine in, I’ve had customers shout at my managers, tell waiters that they will never come back, walk out because we will not serve them their bottle of wine,” Gannon said. “My choice not to serve outside wine will negatively impact my business. Customers will penalize me.”
Meanwhile Aaron Placourakis, who owns Sarento’s on the Beach, Nick’s Fish Market, and Son’z at Swan Court, is quoted in Maui Time as saying:
“Instead of being able to make a nice sale, say, $80, $90 or $100 a bottle, all of a sudden customers can now bring in wine,” he said. “Where does it end? Can you bring in your own fish? Bring in your own steak? There are thousands of waiters in this industry — if they think this is a good idea, I’d like to hear from them.”
On the other side of the argument, Peter Merriman of Merriman’s Kapalua and Monkeypod Kitchen testified that having corkage at his restaurants on Big Island and Kauai has been a good experience. Again, according to the Maui News, he said:
“It’s a small amount of money, but we find it actually increases our sales,” he said. “We’ve had virtually no problems whatsoever.”
Another prominent restaurateur, Floyd Christenson, owner of Mama’s Fish House, said:
“I question what all the fuss has been made over this law. It’s very little used,” Christenson said. “Last month, in the month of June, we served 24,500 people. Twenty people brought in bottled wine to have corkage. . . . Mostly when they bring it in, it’s for birthdays, anniversaries, big special occasions, so it’s not going to hurt anybody’s income.”
Christenson goes on to speculate in the article that local catering businesses are pushing for the repeal, because they liked having the county be “the bad guys.”
In short, now that restaurants have the choice of whether to allow corkage or not, they are forced to take responsibility for the decision to disallow outside liquor (and suffer the consequences of that decision).
Our feeling is that it’s a mistake to repeal the law, and it’s a mistake for restaurants to ban outside wine. The vast majority of customers will not take advantage of corkage to begin with — and those who do tend to be wine geeks who spend a great deal of money on restaurants whether they bring their own burgundy or not. Check out this review posted on TripAdvisor on July 9 for a cogent argument for just how dedicated this type of consumer is to punishing restaurants who don’t allow corkage. (Second point of the very lengthy review.)
Corkage is a nice thing to do for your customers. And some restaurants turn it to their advantage, by using it as a promotion.
Let’s be real: restaurants mark up wine by two, three, and in some cases four times it’s cost. All assertions about the servers’ tips aside, we suspect the reason some restaurants (including some of our favorites) oppose this new rule is simple: they like selling you an expensive bottle of wine. As a friend of ours once said about owning a bar in San Francisco:
“Selling alcohol is the only business I know where I can charge $5 for $.25 worth of liquid.”
Charging a corkage fee (Mama’s is $35 — stiff, but then, it’s Mama’s) is fine: we think of it the same way we do a split plate charge. Slightly obnoxious, but if you really want to drink your own wine, reasonable — especially if you are bringing an expensive bottle to a fine meal.
Since James and I rarely drink when we’re out — it deadens the taste buds, so we imbibe only when it’s a mostly-social visit — we’re wondering what you think. The MCLC will have to respond to these formal petitioners on August 8th at their next meeting. They’ll either deny the petition to reverse the rule, or they’ll schedule a public hearing.
What do they — and Maui restaurants — need to know about corkage?
Would you do what Bev Gannon’s customers have done — refuse to eat there?
Would you only eat at restaurants that allow you to bring your own wine?
January 17, 2018 @ 6:21 pm
We were in Maui on vacation and had brought two bottles to enjoy on our trip. We were stunned when the restaurants said no.
So instead of charging me 25 dollars and splitting that 25 dollars with the waiter (common practice industry wide) we each drank one beer with dinner. Netting the waiter an additional dollar to his tip.
As a customer, I would ask restaurants…are you prepared to carry a 2 million dollar or more wine inventory covering European, Napa, Australian, Spanish and on and on wines?
Honestly, I don’t even care if you charge me 40 for corkage and split it with the waiter. But if I carry my 75 Latour to dinner and you tell me I can’t drink it…you can enjoy the revenue on my one beer.
And yes…I wanted to drink my Latour with a flatbread pizza. Lol
I know I’m just a tourist and a very small percentage of your customer base…but it seemed bizarre to be told no
Btw…we drank the Latour on our balcony and I’m sure my 40 dollars won’t kill the restaurant in Paia…but the customer (me) the waiter, and the restaurant would all have done better in this arrangement.
Molly Jacobson
August 7, 2012 @ 1:04 pm
If you are a Maui resident and want to help the Liquor Commission as it determines whether to let the appeal stand or not, consider giving your testimony at their meeting Wednesday, August 8, at 9am. They need to hear from people outside the industry, not just those with a vested interest.
Liquor Commission Meeting
Wednesday August 8, 2012, 9am
You can submit written, signed testimony to the Director before or at the start of the meeting.
August 4, 2012 @ 3:57 pm
It’s natural for change to be resisted, especially when it hits one’s wallet. It’s very hard to keep a resaurant on Maui successfull and good year after year. And the owners are special people. But the same strengths that make this success can lead to a deadly insulation. Seems to me that’s what I hear from the owners who resist what is universal pretty much everywhere (even internationally). The only time I bring my own wine is when from experience I know there is nothing I can order from the restaurant. But putting the customer’s interests so far behind the restaurant’s and refusing to let me enjoy an important part of my meal would cause me to never dine at the establishment again.
July 20, 2012 @ 12:24 pm
It’s really foolish for restaurants to argue against the BYOB policy. We have BYOB places here in MA, some with liquor stores RIGHT NEXT DOOR. We eat at BYOB restraunts once a week , how many times in the past TEN years have I brought my own wine to a restaurant? ONCE. Another factor – what portion of a restaurant’s customers are residents on any given night? 50%? Because it would be more likely that a resident would do the BYOB than a visitor. As a non-resident of Maui I can tell you I am certainly not schlepping my favorite bottles 5,000 miles to enjoy with dinner, no matter how good the wine is. It’s really short-sighted to make an issue of it. If a restaurant really thinks about it – they can charge a $35 corkage fee and think of it as if they sold a $35 bottle of wine (they would sell to me for $70) without having to have the inventory for it.
Dave Plude
July 20, 2012 @ 10:27 am
I have brought my own bottles of wine to restaurants in WA & OR for years, no issues, no hassles. I check the wine list carefully or call & make sure what I bring is not on their list. Works fine-I spend tons on food & other wines or drinks & tip well, so serves love it. (MY last bottle saved me $500!) If the owner argues, walk out.
July 20, 2012 @ 6:30 am
Bev Gannon’s restaurants have been slipping lately. And Aaron’s restaurants are tourist traps, with overbearing service, and tasteless food. Kama’aina have long known to avoid Nicks and Sarentos (except for breakfast). Those two are clearly in it for the money, not the experience. Needing a “law” to protect their margins speaks volumes. Somehow servers on the mainland (and the rest of the state) do fine.
Merriman and Christensen have it right, they care about their customers, and know this new rule will be rarely used, much less abused. Smart decision.
Hopefully others will get it too, and Bev will come around and get her kitchens in order… And stop fighting with her paying customers.